
Topological complexity of finding flex points on cubic plane curves

with Zheyan Wan.

Preprint (June 2023).

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Choosing points on cubic plane curves: rigidity and flexibility 

with Ishan Banerjee.

in Advances in Mathematics, 418 (April 2023).

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Stability of the cohomology of the space of complex irreducible polynomials in several variables
in International Mathematics Research Notices, rnz296 (December 2019).

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Obstructions to choosing distinct points on cubic plane curves
in Advances in Mathematics, 340, 211-220 (December 2018).

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Analytic number theory for 0-cycles
in Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1-24 (October 2017).

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Twisted cohomology of configuration spaces and spaces of maximal tori via point-counting
arXiv preprint.

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Homology of braid groups, the Burau representation, and points on superelliptic curves over finite fields
in Israel Journal of Mathematics,Volume 220, Issue 2, pp 739-762 (June 2017).

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Optimal control with budget constraints and resets
with Ryo Takei, Zachary Clawson, Slav Kirov, and Alex Vladimirsky.
in SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 53/2: 712–744 (2015).

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